Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sideshow Nostalgia & a spit out the side.

Nothing makes me more content than circus oddities. Sideshows are long gone & the majority of shows available are derived from L.A. inspired, Hot Topic esque beginnings. Granted, there are some superb ones, be that as it may, Sideshows are much akin to tattoo culture nowadays.
Back in say, Bowery days, tattoos were dangerous, raw & one had done more than climb a couple of rungs up the ladder had you acquired one. Now, any schmuck with a credit card can get one. The element is gone and an Ed Hardy bedazzled $100 T shirt has taken it's place. The positive sentiment would be a greater and more accepted understanding of tattoo culture, but it just sparks unwanted conversation in Home Depot, nothing more.
Sideshows have always fascinated me and for a time too long to be acceptable; from childhood I wanted to be in one. I always found the tattooed lady to be the most silent force. She was independent, a little scary, gorgeous and making a decent living.
Oddities; self made or not, are the universe's last gracious gift, don't look it in the mouth. Enjoy.