Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Terror in the wake of a mean vagina.

I find it incredible the haste a strayed and deceptive vagina can make when attempting to instill it's wrong views in the mutual company it and it's husband once shared. My friend that I mentioned a couple of posts ago, the succubus associated with him has rapidly planted seeds of commiseration, pity and agreement amongst whom she has concerns about her being viewed superficially. The insecurity that merits this kind of veracious action is almost admirable in it's schizophrenic whirlwind of "like me." A cheating silent type simply ends up like this syphilitic sorority member or even worse a 40 something cruising Work Out World for the latest Jersey Shore extra; both are bitter ends.

Oh yeah, this screams success.

This is the prettiest picture a hateful vagina will find.

Let's revisit the best show ever to appear on television and the glorious hopeful return to HBO in the near distant future. Your wish is granted, long live Jambi.