Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Osama you have been replaced.

Holy shit. Never has a smoke ridden eye conjured such visions of terror. Sure, there's the obvious: she isn't really famous for anything, blah, blah, blah. However, the fact that this family is still benefiting monetarily from Mac & Cheese consumers that hang every ambition on Mommy & Daddy's spent aspirations of golden retriever, 2 children; 1 boy, 1 girl marry a girl with the following names; Megan, Jenny, Rebecca and my favorite psycho social, Sarah is frightening. As a society not only are we becoming more tolerant of ignorance & all around horse shit, we are inviting it in to every available cranny. How depressing would it be to witness a 13 year old girl wearing what any of the Kardashian slags sport? Fuck me, I may as well begin shooting heroin....AGAIN! Say no to these fucktards and their sorted agenda for your future, your money and your esteem. Not for nothing, but when did cellulite start to sell? It hasn't, one simply has to have a my little pony voice accompanied by a witless and voluminous quaff coupled with a beach ball bum....