There are few things that jazz me more than “penny proverbs”, and the like; slogans that people dished out on their own volition by way of passive aggressive delivery and snide burnt toast looks to accompany said dig. Now, I’m all for digs, however at the expense of wit, no ma’am. It went beyond the see a penny pick it up manusha, but to encapsulate what these fuckers really were getting at it was the prize. Far too often, normal everyday folk are looking to make it retail Christmas time in a way unbeknownst to the poor souls it ultimately affects, however, I have a meaning in store……(as if you didn’t know that.) Before we get into it, I hope I have cushioned you sufficiently for you to become and remain exposed for the next however it may take for you read this. Hunker down friend.
The thing about self-righteous ginger is this, contrary to popular belief, said ranger’s birthday is in fact in the spring, that’s one. Two, this very holiday that Christians especially tend to hold near and dear find it the precise time to dole out douchbaggery in droves and assimilate in the nearest Mall and have at these helpless low self-esteem ridden kids to pump than more than full of unstable mental hygiene, but their own nads as well; moving onto Universal consciousness as we know it.
Upon meeting someone, anyone, random elderly at grocery store, fellow nerd in line at some Comicon or what have you, one tends to ignore their first response, the one that guides you into the place you want to be and begs you out of the ones you choose anyway. People ignore this internal light more often than not for many reasons but the main and really the root of all the other ones is fear. Fear of the entire obvious pamphlet esque obligiatories but mostly, because if someone can really see into our soul and be the same there is no mystery into the drama we wish to create, hence making for a societal norm of a “boring life.” Why is this? We all know it, we certainly know we all do it and here’ some gravy, when one doesn’t participate in the exchange in the expected the way, the other person will literally flee before you. It will begin internally and then the excuse of why they have to go here or there will manifest; incredible to watch, sad to take in and empowering when it’s you causing the fleeing.
Ignoring the thing that creates and breathes life into the things you want to do does the same job on a daily basis with everything else, there’s just no moxy behind it hence the motions seemingly turn into exactly that, motions; completely devoid of real flow and life force that is willing and waiting to be utilized as to attract universal positivity and or whatever opportunities for growth there may be. I used to run from this for the exact reasons or excuses rather that I am stating now. However, upon welcoming these unseen and dare I say mystical nuances, absolute magic happens along with making beauty an everyday occurrence as per a mind being opened till the point of uncomfortability, turned out again and now it’s on. I understand, you think I have went around the bend, and anything is a possibility, be that as it may, I have not only experience and examples, but evidence of our overall denial of all things intangible for the purpose of explaining why this world dominated denial takes place at all with my own flavor I have nipping at its heels tucked away…..but not too far.
It starts at home: no you can’t wear that…yeah well, why? Suppose they laugh, suppose the neighbors foul you for letting your kid dress like an epileptic fireman ballerina going to the recycling center, then what? What necessarily does that equate to in the big picture? Your ego and the fear attached to it. It has felt as though it has taken me lifetimes to assess and make good on being myself, really myself, sans all innuendos that always want you to pay homage to them in this world that demands you be a certain way even if that way IS being different, there are niches for that as well.
It comes down to what you and what the action you take exhibits as well one’s reactions to that action. More to come, but I don’t want to wear you out with a long winded spell about quantum psychic phenomenon that you redirect on the daily out of what this fuckface next to you may think. Stay golden and off the fence. -H
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