Yesterday was great. I won't get into it because it will take something away from the experience for me, but it was perfect.
In the meantime, Lola Montes Schnabel (yeah ANOTHER Schnabel) has some works worth checking out.
Hole Gallery Bowery NYC
Also on the roster is Natalia Fabia
Jan 14-Feb 11
Punk Rock Rainbow Sparkle in Gallery 1
Jonathan Levine Gallery
529 W 20th St 9th Floor
It's fucking odd. Every time I see Jonathan Levine, I manage to talk about poop and my schedule as of late with it; what the fuck? I mean flippin everywhere; at weddings, pool parties, other galleries & bless his heart if he doesn't take it in stride every time. If you get the additional treat of meeting Jonathan when you visit his space, be prepared to be jealous. He's a snappy dresser, exudes Willy Wonka, George Carlin & business savvy all ambulating about as a "human being."