Maurizio Cattelan will be showing until 1.22.2012 at the Guggenheim. If you need encouragement to go, don't bother.
A bit like veggies before T.V. yeah? I wish it weren't that way, but you fucking smartphone users are hard to reel in. Anyhoo....
If you know that I exist, you know that I spend an inordinate amount of time hating the Kardashians. Not so much them personally, but what they stand for, are paving the way for and their efforts in cultivating mediocrity at a voracious rate, their nonchalance about making one's own way etc....
Another pearl has come to me via Google News in the way of the Kardashians are "shocked" about their clothing being made in sweatshops. BAHH! These lazy cunts won't even put on their own bras, much less look into the welfare of others, especially those toiling away so their Botox doesn't run amok. (No won't is correct. It implies a decision, not a matter of can or can't. Fuck off, I know I am not well.)
It pains me to not beg of you to shield your eyes and children from these fucking genital warts carriers, but the followers of these slags will no doubt suffer an earlier death due to life style and sheer stupidity, hence clearing the way for my cherry picking of land and air come post apocalypse, so consume their diet pills, read their "books" use their credit cards, instill in yourself that an ass with the girth of Kansas will take you places, (the most familiar will be to brown man's bed.) The sooner you are off my radar the better, but if you choose wisely and decide to live for yourself and defeat these loquacious wax whores, give your self an extra helping of fuck yeah, because you have crossed over into common sense and a non psychotic space. Welcome.
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